started troubling you already?
here are some simple yoga poses to help you heal....

Things You Need to Know About Sciatica Nerve_
It is the largest nerve in the body, running a lengthy route from each side of your lower spine, deep into your buttock, wrapping around to the back of the thigh and into the foot, more accurately five nerves come together on the right and left sides of the lower spine to make your SCIATICA.
Technically, the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves and the first three nerves in the sacral spine come together and merge into the unified sciatic.
It allows the feeling and sensation, the strength that you hold in your whole leg, holding together everything the Calf, Foot, Ankle, Knee, joints, without this nerve, they would be no better than a noodle, as it connect the Spinal cord to the front and back thigh, the hamstring muscles, your lower leg and feet.
An effect on your Sciatica will lead to a direct impact on your brain.
A common Cause _ when a herniated disc at the lower lumbar L5 and irritates the sacrum nerve root (S1)in the lower spine.
The pain can vary widely, from a mild ache to a sharp, burning sensation or excruciating pain. Sometimes it can feel like a jolt or electric shock. It can be worse when you cough or sneeze, and prolonged sitting can aggravate symptoms. Usually only one side of your body is affected.
Age, Obesity, Occupation, Prolonged Sitting and Diabetes conditions can trigger the Sciatica Pain.
Although the pain associated with sciatica can be severe, most cases resolve with non-operative treatments in a few weeks.
The Good NEWS is a regular Body Work, watching your posture and maintaining the discipline alongside the diet and a good body mechanism can easily cure or relieve you from sciatica, Here are some simple easy Yoga Poses you can include in your daily workout routine or simply follow them…

Let us start with the simplest, the simple sitting Postures - the crossed legged postures can do wonders to your Whole Body, and simultaneously maintain the nerve functions by stimulating a smooth flow of Prana or the Vital Energy throughout the body –
- Padmasana or the Lotus Feet,
Sitting in cross leg, take the right feet and bring it up to the left buttock letting it rest near the hip joint on the lift thigh, do the same thing with the left feet, let the knee get closer to the floor or simply touch and rest on the floor. Back will automatically be upright, keep the neck aligned with the spine. Try to close the eyes for some time and breathe deep into the posture. Stay for few minutes and relax.
(Fig Drawing 3 & 4)
- Gomukhasana or the Cow Face Pose
Take the right leg over the left aligning the right knee over the left, so as the right heel is towards the left buttock and right heel towards the left buttock. Fold the left hand over the head so that the elbow faces upwards and palm touches the shoulder blade and right hand back to touch the left palm or to reach it from the back, close the eves and breathe deep into the posture. Repeat the same for the other side.
This posture does wonders to your sciatica, also great for relaxing, relieves back pain, tones the shoulder, arms, neck and back muscles.
- Veerasana or the Hero’s Pose
Sitting with the left foot behind the left buttock, tuck the big toe under the buttock, place the right foot on the right thigh near the joint. Keeping the knees widely separated, let the hands rest on the knees in chin or jnana mudra. Breath normally into the posture.
Stimulate the Back and the Body with these slightly advanced Postures -
- Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose
Lay down flat on your stomach, legs straight feet together, forehead on the mat, plant the palms near the shoulder joint on the mat, tuck the elbows in and gently breathe in lifting the head up bending backwards. Repeat few times deepening the posture. Be careful and gentle while bending back, do not push too much if you are a beginner.
(Fig Drawing 1)
- Adho Mukha Shvanasana or the Downward Facing Dog often called Parvatasana or the Mountain Pose
Keep the foot and the hands planted on the ground, gently push the buttocks up making a triangle / mountain with your body, breath with awareness, deep inhale and exhale, keeping the weight balanced throughout the body.
(Fig Drawing 6)
- Pigeon Pose (One legged / royal)
Let us take it from the mountain itself, lift the right leg up and bring the knee in between the palms to the front towards the ground with right feet pointing towards the left palm. Slowly bend back taking the head back and breathing deep in the posture.
This one is also great for your hamstrings, groins, massages your genitals and abdominal muscles internally and held reduce urinary disorders.
(Fig Drawing 5)
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